선형대수와 선형시스템 기초
선형 대수의 내용과 선형 동적 시스템의 내용을 포함한 수업입니다. 영문명은 Linear Algebra and Linear Dynamical Systems 입니다.
2013년 2학기에 서울대학교 전기공학부 학부 4학년을 대상으로 진행한 내용을 서울대학교 교수학습센터의 도움으로 동영상으로 제작하였습니다.
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SNUON (서울대학교 열린 강좌; 서울대 내부인을 위한 공간; http://snuon.snu.ac.kr/_HTML/course_view.php?id=78)
서울대학교 평생교육원 (외부인을 위한 공간; http://snui.snu.ac.kr/ocw/index.php?mode=list&best=0&gubun=SNU&category=10&name=%EC%B5%9C%EC%8B%A0%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4%EA%B8%B0%EB%B2%95; 페이지 정리가 잘 되어 있지 않으므로 본 페이지의 아래 동영상 목록을 참고하는 것이 좋습니다.)
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심형보 교수 http://cdsl.kr/~hshim
Jin Heon Seo, Lecture Note, 2013
동영상 청취에 따로 교재가 필요하지 않습니다. 다만 화면 아래의 PDF 문서를 참고로 다운 받을 수 있습니다.
강의 동영상
1. System and State
1. Introduction to the course 14:58
2. System 09:21
3. Classification of Systems 12:38
4. State 15:01
5. Linear State Space Systems 09:29
6. Time Invariance 12:59
2. Vector Spaces
1. Fields and Vector Spaces 21:28
2. Subspaces 21:16
3. Linear Independence 12:15
4. Basis 11:41
3. Linear Transformations and Matrices
1. Dimensions 20:50
2. Change of Basis 09:51
3. Linear Transformations, Null Spaces, and Range Spaces 23:10
* 18:18부터 나오는 Dimension Theorem의 증명 중 R(L) = span(S)에 관한 증명은 불완전하며, 교재 Theorem 2.14의 증명을 참고하기 바랍니다.
4. Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations 15:39
4. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
1. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 29:41
2. Independent Eigenvectors and Diagonalization 21:21
3. Eigenspace and Generalized Eigenspace 23:06
5. Eigenvectors and Diagonalization
1. Generalized Eigenvector and Jordan Block 17:40
2. Chain of Generalized Eigenvector 28:09
3. Summary and Examples 09:31
6. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Functions of a Square Matrix
1. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem 14:03
2. Polynomial Functions of a Square Matrix 22:00
3. Minimal Polynomial 09:52
4. Functions of a Square Matrix 20:09
7. Inner Product Spaces, Normed Spaces
1. Inner Product Spaces 11:49
2. Normed Spaces 12:55
3. Relationship between Inner Product Space and Normed Space 10:40
4. Orthonormalization 22:33
5. Norm of Linear Transformations and Induced Norms 14:30
8. Induced Norm, Quadratic Form, and Related Properties
1. Induced Norm and Properties 17:17
2. Property of Linear Operator 10:27
3. Adjoint of a Linear Transformation 33:51
4. Quadratic Forms 16:07
5. Induced Two Norm of Matrix 17:43
* 13분 20초 부근에서 characteristic equation = \sum_{i=1}^{d} ( lambda - lambda_i )^{ \eta_i }에서 \eta_i는 m_i의 잘못입니다. (바로 다음에 다른 방법으로 설명하기 때문에 전개상 큰 문제는 없습니다.)
9. Linear Dynamic System and State Transition Matrix
1. Linear Dynamic System and Modeling 13:09
2. Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution 33:30
3. State Transition Matrix 10:23
10. Basics of Linear Time-Invariant System
1. Matrix Exponential 17:16
2. Properties of State Transition Matrix 04:52
3. Variation of Constant Formula 24:07
11. Stability of Linear Systems
1. Equilibrium and Linearization of Nonlinear Model 17:42
2. Definition of Lyapunov Stability 23:25
3. Determination of Stability 17:51
4. BIBO Stability of Linear Systems 16:47
5. BIBO Stability and Poles of LTI Systems 09:36
12. Lyapunov Theorem, Stable and Unstable Subspaces
1. Lyapunov Theorem 43:36
2. Stable and Unstable Subspaces 16:36
13. Controllability
1. Definition of Controllability 09:02
2. Controllability Gramian 21:59
3. Property of Controllability Gramian 13:08
4. Controllability of Linear Systems 28:33
14. Observability and Duality
1. Definition of Observability 14:43
2. Observability Gramian 15:32
3. Observability of Linear Systems 11:35
4. Observability of Linear Time-Invariant Systems 16:37
5. Duality 10:20
15. Controllable and Observable Canonical Forms
1. Controllable Canonical Forms 34:26
2. Example for Controllable Canonical Forms 12:29
3. Observable Canonical Forms 16:42
16. Structure of Uncontrollable Systems
1. Controllable Subspace 11:45
2. Properties of Controllable Subspace 10:57
3. Controllability Decomposition 35:11
4. Stabilizability 09:55
17. Structure of Unobservable Systems
1. Unobservable Subspace 17:49
2. Observability Decomposition 19:51
3. Detectability 12:25
4. Kalman Decomposition 13:24
18. Popov-Belevitch-Hautus Test
1. PBH Test for Observability 21:53
2. PBH Test for Detectability 13:18
3. PBH Test for Controllability and Stabilizability 15:15
4. Consideration of Complex Numbers and Examples 22:05
19. State Feedback and Observers
1. State Feedbacks 33:17
2. State Observer 24:45
20. Reduced-order Observer, Separation Principle
1. Review on State Feedback and Observer 06:59
2. Reduced-order Observer 23:38
3. Full-order Observer Based Controller Design and Separation Principle 21:43
4. Reduced-order Observer Based Controller Design and Separation Principle 14:40
21. Realization
1. Minimal Realization 30:20
2. Controllable and Observable Canonical Form Realization 10:30
3. MIMO Case of Canonical Form Realization 20:55
22. Regulation and Tracking
1. Set-point Regulation 31:33
2. Robust Tracking and Disturbance Rejection 29:03
3. Optimal Control 15:49
강의 교재: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19kLoBhxVDG7iAgMTfzGiDkViFpIU0kE7/view?usp=sharing